Maglocks are electromagnetic locks only operable with constant additional power supply, and if there is not an additional power supply available, the magnets will not work. The most common placement for maglocks is the top outer corner of door frames. An armature plate is fitted to the top outer corner of the door so when the door closes, the maglock and the plate connect and make contact by magnetic force. When energized, a current passes through the electromagnet inside the lock, which attracts the armature plate with a strong force and makes the door lock in place. There are two types of maglocks: fail-safe and fail-secure. Fail-safe locks releases the armature plate and de-energizes, leaving free access when power is lost from the device; this ensures safety is first priority. Fail-secure locks attracts the armature plate, leaving the door magnetically locked when power is lost from the device. Fail-secure locks ensure security is first priority. There are several disadvantages to taking this route to secure your building.
Because of the need for additional power supply, it becomes easily accessible for anyone to enter the premises where there is a lack of power.
If maglocks are the only device securing your doors, battery backups are often necessary in power supply boxes. The problem with this is the batteries must be checked and replaced often, and the batteries may not hold enough power over a long period of time should the power go out. This could leave your building much less secure if the power is out for 2 days or more.
If you choose to secure the doors with maglocks, you must comply with the code. Your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) must allow you to install maglocks, then he/she will require electrical plans and permits. Maglocks would be a device fit for correctional facilities or detention centers, or other places where there is not much free departure.
Another disadvantage of applying a maglock to your business’ door is the door becomes more difficult to open the longer the maglock is continuously locked. Also, since the lock is really just a magnet, it can easily be tampered with using everyday items.
Fail-safe maglocks are most common. These maglocks require a constant supply of electricity to remain locked; thus, they are more expensive due to constant electricity consumption.
Only you can decide if maglocks are the right decision for your business and its security. As mentioned earlier, maglocks would be more appropriate for places where free departure is low. If you find too many problems with code compliancy and the mechanics to make it work, it might be smart to choose another locking option for your access control system. If you wish to add access control to your business for added security and safety, call SecurCom today or visit our website at www.securcom.com to learn about our access systems and other services and products we proudly help businesses install.