Keeping your business information safe is essential, both online and offline. Everything from employee records and client records to vendor information and passwords needs to be under lock and key to protect you from information theft. In this day and age, you may store most of your important documents on your company’s computer(s), but if you’ve had your business for awhile, there are probably certain documents you have in filing cabinets or hidden somewhere special. Here are 8 tips to keep all of your business information safe.
Require a password for each employee to get into your computer(s)
To keep others away from your computers, require each person in the company to create a unique password in order to use the computer system. It is also a good idea to change the passwords often. You may consider changing passwords every other month, or at least quarterly and when an employee leaves the company. This ensures your information won’t get into the wrong hands.
Create a plan
Be proactive and create systems. Have a plan for different scenarios and be prepared for those scenarios.
Keep extra-sensitive information separate
For sensitive and private information, use a separate computer or a safe. Restrict information by password-protecting and encrypting it, or limit who has the code or key of a safe. Limit employee access to these sensitive or private files.
Be organized
Even when you’re busy, don’t leave files lying around on the desk or leave your email up so everyone can view it. At least set up safeguards if you can’t be organized with your files so your information is kept safe.
Protect your computer with software protection
Standard protection against viruses is not enough. In addition to using firewall and antivirus protection, you should also secure your information by using a digital rights management (DRM) tag to restrict access to certain users. Only authorized users will be able to edit those files but a DRM restricts them from printing the files. Always keep your software protection up-to-date.
Adopt the EMV Payment System
As of October 1, business owners who do not accept EMV transactions can be held liable for fraudulent charges until they adopt this software. The EMV is a special payment system utilizing microchip embedded on credit cards to protect data and process transactions. EMV stands for EuroPay, MasterCard, and Visa. Merchants and consumers have a reduced risk of fraud by adopting this system.
Secure your office space
Using common sense and planning can go a long way in keeping everything safe. Before leaving the building, secure all windows and doors. While this may seem like common sense, it is only human to forget simple everyday task from time to time. Also, if you or your employees ever find yourselves working late, it is ideal to lock yourself inside the building to protect yourself and your business. It is important to know everyone who steps inside your business. Post and enforce a “No Solicitation” sign and allow only people associated with your business inside.
You might want to consider adding an alarm system. It is both a good idea and a good investment. If you have an alarm system, proudly post the signs letting others know the area is secured. At SecurCom, we continue to evolve our product offerings with the ever changing Video Surveillance industry.
Install an access control system
At SecurCom, we pride ourselves on being able to supply a complete Door Access Solution for your location. From the card reader to the software and even the Electronic Door Locking Hardware. Our systems can be interfaced to video surveillance, door intercom, intrusion security and most other communication systems.
No matter what security measures you take to keep your information and business secure, it is crucial that it gets done. Contact SecurCom today to let us help you with all of your business security needs. Call us at 800-949-4724 or email us at info@securcom.com.